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  • Ecommerce with WordPress Plugins
  • Ecommerce with WordPress Plugins





In this video, we're going to take a look at ecommerce in WordPress. We'll set up a small store 
where we can sell word ville t-shirts.
The plugin that we're going to look at is called WooCommerce. Something interesting about 
WooCommerce is that it powers over 39% of all online stores, not just stores in WordPress but all 
online stores. That's pretty incredible. It's owned by a company called automatic, which is doing a 
really good job of putting resources into making it very powerful. The base plug-in is free but you 
can buy extensions. The extensions range everywhere from zero dollars to two hundred and forty nine 
dollars. But the great thing is that commerce is powerful enough out of the box that you probably 
won't need anything at all to get started. Let's take a look.
We'll go to our dashboard and then plugins, add new and we'll search for WooCommerce. There it is. 
There are more than a million active installs. As you can see, there are also quite a few free 
WooCommerce add-ons here in WordPress so let's install, activate and then the next thing you see is 
the beginning of a setup wizard. Let's go ahead and go through it because it creates some pages for 
us that we're going to need later.
Now these pages are going to be created for us when we click continue and they'll have all the 
appropriate settings built in. Then we can choose where our store is based. I'll leave mine in 
Alabama and we can choose what currency we want and what we want for weights and measures. We can 
choose to ship or not and new sales or not. Then we can choose how we want to accept payment. PayPal 
is most common. I like stripe, a little bit better but what's great is that you can do both of them 
and your customers have a choice. I recommend also allowing PayPal standard. That just requires your 
PayPal username. You may also allow for check payments fake transfers or cash on delivery and then 
our store is ready.
We can choose if we want to send them diagnostic information. I'm going to choose no thanks because 
I'm on a development server and it wouldn't help them any, but I do recommend it on your live server.
Now we can create our first product. So let's create a product here and then we'll put in a 
description and then we can choose a product type. We have simple products, grouped products, 
external or affiliate product and variable product. We actually want variable for a t-shirt because 
we're gonna have multiple sizes. We can choose to put in a SKU or managed stock and whether or not 
you're allowed to buy only one of these.
For shipping, we can put in weights and dimensions, we can link to other products, we can add some 
attributes like what it's made of, things like that, and then we'll make this one used for 
variations. Now when we go to variations, we can add a short description, as well, that's used in 
smaller places on the website. We can add a picture and actually an entire gallery. It has 
categories and tags, etc. but let's publish this and then look at our product. Now I didn't upload 
an image but, if I had, there would be one here. We could choose a size and down here we have 
product description, additional information and, optionally, reviews.
Now you'll note that there are a number of warnings here at the top. That's because there's more 
setup to be done. For WooCommerce, we need to configure PayPal, stripe and shipping. I'm not going 
to go into all of that in this video, but it showcases the power of WooCommerce and the wide variety 
of features if you intend to sell things on the internet.
I highly recommend WooCommerce. It's a full-featured, solid plugin with great backing by a company 
that's committed to making it great.